The Daily Word of Righteousness

Grace; Heaven; Change; the Kingdom, #12

For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. (Romans 6:14—NIV)

Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. (Romans 8:12—NIV)

Today the window is opening on the realities of the Kingdom of God. Instead of just hoping by faith that some day we will be delivered from sin, we are entering such deliverance now. We are confessing our sins. We are denouncing and renouncing them. We are resisting the devil. And we are finding that the Holy Spirit is enabling us to walk in victory.

No more do we listen to the devil saying "As long as you are in the world you have to sin."

Rather, we are reading and believing the Word instead of the Christian traditions. The Word tells us we are not debtors to our flesh to live according to its lusts and passions. The Word tells us sin shall not keep us in bondage because we no longer are under the Law of Moses but under the Divine grace that issues the virtue, wisdom, and power that is able to break every bondage in our life.

We are learning to not run ahead with our gifts attempting to deliver "a lost and dying world." Rather we are becoming Christ-centered rather than man-centered. We are returning to the Lord to find out how He wants us to use our gifts. We are content to be His servant. We are not trying to make Christ or the Holy Spirit our servant.

We understand now that the Christian assemblies are for God's purpose not for man's purpose. We are intent on worshiping God and pleasing Him whether we attract many or few people.

What a window of understanding and opportunity has opened before us! The Scriptures are yielding their meaning and they all make perfect sense. We do not have to jump here and there trying to validate some manmade philosophy, such as dispensationalism.

We are beginning to understand that the Bible is one message, one Word of God from cover to cover. The great symbols of Judaism, such as the Altar, the Lampstand, and the Booth, are yielding their spiritual significance.

We are noticing that God always has had the same goal for man—that man behave righteously, that he love mercy, and that he walk humbly with God. The difference between the covenant of the Law of Moses and the covenant of the grace of Christ is not that God no longer desires that man behave righteously, that he love mercy, and that he walk humbly with God. The difference is that now there is virtue, power, and wisdom (Divine grace) sufficient to change the most chaotic personality into the image that God has planned for man from the beginning.

We have been saved and filled with God's Spirit. It is time now to press forward into the Kingdom of God, into real change.

God is making all things new, including you and me. (from Grace; Heaven; Change; The Kingdom)